This week in Review....

well not quite, but it has been a super busy week for me! I have been writing and preparing (and learning) how to do the Papertrenz newsletter. 
I have designed and prepared 2 classes and taught another. I prepared the Icosahedron model for the UWA ladies to attempt tonight. 
Oh and it was Simon's Birthday, so special birthday brekkie and friends over for dinner, for special birthday dinner! PHEW all with the normal grind of baby wrangling, and trying to keep the house from escaping (failing in the last - there is always next week, RIGHT!?) Life is great, here are some of my projects I accomplished.


Slack or Sporadic hmmm

Hello Funkibods!
I have not been too good at keeping this blog up to date, but hang in there peeps! Molly is going well she is 8mths old, and I am sticking my toes back into the creative waters. Although not ready to run off back to work per se just yet! I have been designing a couple of kits and organising and running a few classes for Papertrenz, which has been awesome! I have also been active on the UWA front trying to get it up running and functional. All of which is do-able from home with a couple of exceptions. So hopefully stay tuned for lots of eye candy and posts. Here is the double layout I will be teaching in a couple of weeks

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